A school place for your child
Choosing a school for your child is an exciting time and the start of something special where they will make friends and develop a love of learning. I would always recommend visiting a school so that you can see the learning in action and really get a feel for what it would be like for your child there.
We welcome parents for informal visits throughout the year and understand that you will have many questions which will need careful consideration. To arrange a visit, simply contact the school office:
tel: 01392 466208
email: willowbrook@ventrus.org.uk
Following your visit, you will need to apply to the Local Authority for a place; our school does not manage applications.
If you would like your child to attend any school or academy which is state-funded, the law says you have to make an application for admission. Neither the Local Authority nor the school will assume that you want a place and reserve one for you - even if you have an older child at the school or live next to the school. Everybody has to apply. The Local Authority has a legal duty to manage applications for the first admissions intake to schools which are funded by the state. This is in order to make the process as fair and straightforward as possible. We do this through our Co-ordinated Admissions Schemes which enable all parents to apply for a school place at the right time.
You can apply online at www.devon.gov.uk/admissions
There are two types of admission:
Normal round admissions - This is when a child is to start school in the September of the academic year in which they will be five years old.
In-Year admissions - This is when children start at a school at any time other than the normal round – either in another year group or in a normal round year group that has already started.
If you have any questions about the process, we will always be happy to guide you, so please call the office and ask for help if you need it.
School Admissions Policies can be found below:
Admissions policy for 2026-27: Annual Consultation
Along with all other schools and academies in Devon, we are consulting on an admission policy for 2026-27. The Local Authority is also consulting on its admission arrangements. You are invited to look at the proposals and have your say. Our proposed policy is below and you can see all policies at http://devon.cc/schoolpolicy . Further information is here: www.devon.gov.uk/admissionarrangements
The formal consultation runs until 10th January 2025. Policies will be determined on 29th January 2025 and published in the same places by 15th March 2025. All consultation responses should be sent to willowbrook@ventrus.org.uk.