Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together

Vision statement: 

“To provide a transformative educational experience that is based on deep knowledge, nurturing relationships and personal responsibility.” 

Mission statement: 

“Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together” 



Every adult at Willowbrook School believes in the potential of our pupils. For children to believe this too, we create a learning climate that is safe, engaging and challenging. We see it as our duty to point children to their natural resilience and potential. 



Every child can make progress. Every child can achieve great things. We enable this to happen by: 

  • Having high expectations of all children;
  • Providing a curriculum that is broad and varied;
  • Meeting the individual needs of every pupil. 


Succeed Together

Success is celebrated at Willowbrook School. Whether that be in celebration assemblies, positive conversations around the school or visits to the Headteacher. We tell our children when we are proud of them.  

In order to put this into practice we have four core values, chosen with the children that run throughout the school.

These are: Respect, Teamwork, Excellence and Friendship. These values underpin the curriculum at Willowbrook School.


Family Groups

In our school we have four Family Groups: Oak, Maple, Cherry and Chestnut. Once every half term, the family groups meet across the school and learn how we can demonstrate our values. The children are organised by families, giving them a sense of belonging to a smaller community within school.

The family mornings are led by our Family Captains. The Family Captains are eight children from Year Six, who are voted for by the children in their family group. Voting takes place every September, and the children who are willing to become a Family Captain explain why they feel they would make a good Family Captain. The children vote for those children they feel best demonstrate our school values. They plan the activities with Miss Stanbury prior to the mornings and lead the sessions themselves, in front of their whole family group. This ranges from Reception children, to their peers in Year Six. This is not something many teachers would feel comfortable doing!

As well as leading family mornings, they read with children in Reception, Year One and Two and are positive role models; help out with intra school competitions and also receive leadership training through our sports partnership with St Luke’s Sports and Science College.


Our Value Jars

At Willowbrook School, children and staff are rewarded for demonstrating our school values. If we demonstrate a value over a long period of time, or demonstrate a value in an outstanding way, we receive a Token. Outside the office are our Token Jars. We have one for each value.      


The tokens are different colours to reflect the Family Groups. Blue Oak, Yellow Maple, Red Cherry and Green Chestnut. The White tokens are given to members of staff by the children. In weekly assemblies the children put their token in the jar and explain to the rest of the children why they were awarded a token.



Respect Poster



Friendship Poster


Teamwork Poster



Excellence Poster