
Friday 12th July 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

I cannot believe that next week is my last full week in school with the children. Time has flown since I decided to retire and I am enjoying spending time with the children. It was lovely to have the time to chat to so many parents at parents’ evening this week.

I am looking forward to watching the Year 2 and Year 6 plays.

Top Readers

Here are the top readers in each class for the week 24th to the 1st July. The more you read, the more you learn! Well done! Almost twenty of our children are going to Waterstones with staff on a visit to buy a books as they have read over a million words…some have read more than 2 million! We love celebrating the achievements of the children who work so hard to achieve this.

3H   Ruby C                                   5T     Remus M

3S    Anya M                                  5W   Alexandra G

4E    Aram A                                  6BD Reuben M

4F    Elijah H                                  6P    Heather C

Library Books

As we approach the end of the school year, may we ask you to have a really good look for any overdue library books?  Some books have not been returned for a very long time and it makes a huge difference to the children who are then unable to borrow them to read.  Last year we lost over 600 books!  If you absolutely cannot find them you may wish to provide a replacement copy, as several parents have done (Huge thanks to them!) or to give a donation of £5 to £10 towards the cost of replacing them.  Many thanks to those children (and parents!) who make sure that their books are returned on time.

Dinner Money

Please can you make sure that you check any outstanding balances and make sure that any debt is cleared. Thank you.

Year Three (current year two)

Children should be coming home with a letter about a residential in November. Mrs Tucker has managed to sort out an absolute bargain, so thank you to her for her hard in sourcing this.


The children all met their new class teachers this week. The transition sessions all went smoothly and the children all seem happy about the upcoming changes.


Classes for next year

Please see below for classes for September.

Current class

Class next year

Miss Pilkington year 1

Mrs Mellors/Mrs Treble year 2

Miss Shawyer Year 1

Mrs Stockton Ball year 2

Mrs Mellors/Mrs Treble year 2

Miss Foweraker year 3

Mrs Boden Year 2

Mr Hunt year 3

Mr Hunt year 3

Miss Ramsdale year 4

Ms Sweetland year 3

Mr Ellis  year 4

Miss Foweraker year 4

Miss Turner year 5

Mr Ellis year 4

Mr Pengelly year 5

Miss Turner year 5

Miss Walker year 6

Miss Walker year 5

Mrs Busby-Grayer and Mrs Roberts



Mrs Elworthy, Mrs Morgan and Miss Stanbury will be teaching Reception

Miss Pilkington and Miss Shawyer will be teaching Year 1

Dates for your calendar

Friday 12th July – Year 2 play 2pm

Friday 19th July – Year 6 play 2pm

Last day of term – Tuesday 23rd July

First day of term in the new school year Thursday September 5th